Media about Us

Media articles and press publications about Us
January 2018
More than 200 companies expressed their interest to Zhilstroyberbank privatisation. This was announced by Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “National Managing Holding“ Baiterek ” Galymzhan Tajiyakov at the Government meeting.
Kazakhstanskaya Pravda
October 2017
Privatization of JSC Zhilstroysberbank is scheduled for 2018. This was stated at the meeting of the Government by Aidar Arifkhanov, Deputy Chairman of JSC "National Managing Holding "Baiterek".
Atameken Business
April 2016
Gold deposits in Kazakhstanare still interesting to investors due to the fact that gold prices have not sunk in recent years.
June 2015
Founder of the independent financial consulting company ScholzvonGleich, investment banker Stefan Scholz - about the three weaknesses of the Kazakh economy, a reason for optimism and adaptation to new conditions.
February 2015
The behavior of commodity prices directly affects the economic situation in Kazakhstan, that supplies oil, uranium, copper, iron ore and gold to the world market.
November 2014
On Wednesday, in Almaty the Kazakhstan IPO-Forum was hosted, at the event experts again discussed what needs to be done to ensure the existence of a viable stock market in Kazakhstan.
Business and Vlast
April 2014
LS Magazine
December 2018
Zhilstroyberbank may do an IPO next year. This was announced by the head of Holding "Baiterek" holding A. Arifkhanov during the Government meeting in Astana.
May 2024
ScholzvonGleich LLP (SvG) advised Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Microcreditbank (“MKBANK”) in the Republic of Uzbekistan on the selection of an international investor and partner for a groundbreaking joint-venture to develop the domestic microfinance sector. Utilising its vast international network of relevant sector investors, SvG attracted numerous interested parties and MKBANK selected UnaFinancial, an international group of companies offering fintech services in Asia and Europe, as a partner for this exciting new venture to mainly serve micro and small business owners across Uzbekistan.